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How Wild Divinity Wellness came to be:


Hello and welcome! My name is Cora Thomason and I am the founder of Wild Corations LLC and Wild Divinity Wellness. I can remember being a small girl and knowing that I was meant to lead and help those around me. I never quite fit in to the normal mode and couldn't seem to find a groove in the every day status quo. I craved being in my bare feet, I can even recall my mother scolding me because I would insist on being barefoot even when it was almost winter here in Michigan. The earth called to me, told me to embrace her and wanted to share with me her love and mystery.


As I moved through the routines of grade school, a mentor of mine always used to ask, "How can I help?", and those words rang clear in my mind like a mantra. I wanted to be a helper. I wanted to help those around me understand more of themselves, to feel cared for and whole.  I wanted to share with the world the wholesomeness of embracing our divine truth and needs. 


I was open to receiving what my purpose was on this earth. I was being called to bring forth light and healing. Now I am here, embracing that call, bringing to the world all that I have to offer. I'm honored to be on this journey with you and am excited to be at your service.


Connecting to the Wild

When I think of the wild, I think of all that is untouched and pure. I think of who we were before societies decided what we should and shouldn't be. The divinity of our souls that makes us the wild child, unafraid to run and dance in the rain. It's time we embraced our wild freedom of connecting to all that was intended for us. It's time to take off our shoes, run barefoot in a forest, and hug a tree.

Why plant medicines?

Plants are the life source that connect us to our own breath. They are the nourishment of our bodies with their fruits. They are the teachers of old ways and ancient wisdom. They are the gifts bestowed on us for the enjoyment of all that is life. Using plant medicines allow us to reconnect to the source of all life and to clear away all blockages that stand in our way. When we feel that something is missing, it is the connection to our self and to the sources of life that need to be re-established. Trust that the truth you are seeking is seeking you too.

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