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            Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Monkey Frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor.  This secretion contains in it a rich mixture of biochemical compounds and peptides. Many of these peptides have anti-microbial and anti-viral effects. The potential medical applications of this Frog are unparalleled by any other amphibian. There are currently 70 medical patents submitted based on the properties of Kambo. The wisdom this medicine holds has been used for thousands of years by tribes that first created ceremony with Kambo. Science has only just begun to scratch the surface of the wonder that this natural medicine carries with it.

Kambo Ceremony

Detox, Reset and Restore 


What is Kambo?

  • This Medicine is often referred to as the "vaccine of the jungle” and “hunters medicine” for its deeply cleansing and restorative effects. It is a secretion from the giant tree frog “phyllomedusa bicolor” native to the Amazonian regions. It is considered one of the most potent natural medicines and there is nothing quite like it on the planet.

  • It is predominately used as an aid for detoxification, purging, immunity boosting, anti-inflammatory aid, and has analgesic pain relief properties.

  • Kambo also increases stamina, improves energy and strengthens the body and opens the intuitive mind to ‘see’ more clearly.

  • It is not psychoactive or hallucinagenic, it is legal in most countries including the United States.

  • Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to holistically strengthen the system.


What are the benefits?

            Kambo works on a mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and energetic level so therefore the effects can be felt throughout the whole being.
The properties of Kambo contain what are known as neuropeptides (16 different peptides that are highly researched and in which pharmaceutical companies are currently trying to recreate in laboratories in synthetic form for mass market) that have been known to aid with the treatment of:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Migraines
• Skin issues
• Fibromyalgia 
• Brain Fog
• Addiction
• Fatigue
• Mulitple Sclerosis 
• Chronic pain
• Blood Circulation
• Autoimmune Diseases
• Digestive imbalances
• Cancer - Tumors


Those who have used Kambo have reported benefits of increased calm and mental clarity, increased energy, heightened senses, reduced stress and frustration, and increased compassion and courage. Many other benefits have been recorded and experienced please message me directly for any questions.


What is a Kambo ceremony like?

  • We open by ceremonially cleansing the space and each participant. Within this process we use many herbal medicines and offer rapé that will start the detoxification process. (see the about rapé page for more details)

  • After the set (your mindset) and setting (your environment) are cleansed, we discuss the setting of intentions for the ceremony.

  • Tiny burns called "gates" are placed into the upper arm (or other placement on the body can be discussed) that we will gently burn into the top layer of the skin. This process does not hurt, but is a quick stinging sensation that maybe be uncomfortable. These are superficial burns that heal well after the ceremony, but many like to wear the "scars" like proud tattoos, even making designs with them over time.

  • Once the medicine is applied, the purging will begin (purging bile and toxins via the mouth, toilet purge, sweating, or crying) the purge is energetically a deep release and most cliental feel a lifting of heaviness or stuck energies. The purpose of Kambo is to purge deeply within all of the layers of our being

  • Some of the effects of detoxification may include swelling of the face and throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, increased heart rate, lump in the throat, trouble swallowing, and loss of bladder control.

  • After the purge you rest, restore & integrate. The whole process once medicine is applied is approximately 40 mins. with the purging only in the first 5-10 mins. Please keep in mind that everyone's process is different.

  • We will gently hold space by using sound, medicinal herbs and attentive care.

  • We will then have a closing and integration circle where those who feel called to share their experience may do so.

  • The ceremony lasts for approximately 3 hours.


What is the science behind Kambo?

​So what’s happening to your body during a Kambo treatment?

Kambo enters the body’s lymphatic system at the site of application. It contains amino acid chains called peptides, including several that are exorphins – which are produced by amphibians, specifically, and are similar to endorphins. Some of these exorphins interact with opioid receptors in the human body, causing a sense of well-being and peace. The peptides + exorphins include tryptophyllin (which stimulates + recalibrates the serotonergic and opioid systems, and increases dopamine), deltorphin (which binds to opioid receptors and results in pain relief), tachykinin peptides (which cause purging), dermaseptin peptides (which increase white blood cell activity), peptides that cause blood vessel dilation, phyllolitorin (which stimulates gastric acid secretion + smooth muscle contraction) + more. In vitro studies of kambo found possible antifungal properties + showed that it could slow the growth of cancerous cells.


















  • ​It is ideal to fast at least 8 hours before the Kambo ceremony. This is why we hold ceremony by noon. 

  • For best results, do not eat past 10 pm the night before.

  • MORNING OF CEREMONY: No breakfast, coffee, caffeinated tea or juice. Abstain from any supplements or medications unless necessary. You can resume medications after session. Water, coconut water, herbal tea w/ honey, electrolytes, and salt added to water are okay.

  • DO NOT DRINK EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF WATER prior to arriving to your session.

  • DO NOT ABSTAIN FROM SALT IN THE DAYS BEFORE YOUR SESSION (they provide your body with the electrolytes it needs before a purge)

  • Before administering the Kambo treatment, you will be asked to drink approximately 1.5-2 liters of water to allow for easy purging and cleansing. This water will be purged out.

  • DIETA:  3-7 days prior and following the Kambo, It is recommended to adopt a clean diet to reduce any toxic burden on the body. Avoid alcohol, sex, dairy, sugar, red meat, spicy food and unnecessary pharmaceuticals. This makes for a much easier process for you. SALT IS OKAY. Eat whole, nourishing organic food before and after to best support your body in it’s detox process afterwards. Remember, you are committing this time to detox with the spirit of the Kambo medicine so to honor your body the week before and after with a clean diet to help it's process is a beautiful thing to offer yourself.

  • INTENTION: It is important that you spend some time thinking about what your intention for this ceremony might be. We will go more into depth during the initial part of the ceremony but as soon as you begin thinking about your intention and begin working with it, the clearer resonation it will have during the ceremony.



•Two (2) liters of filtered water
• A water bottle or large cup for drinking
• Comfortable clothing that allows for exposed access to area of treatment, so a tank top or short sleeved shirt that can be pulled up over shoulder. Loose fitting pants, etc. A change of clothes is recommended. Accidents can happen, although rarely but it’s nice to have some clean clothes to change into.
• A hair tie to tie back long hair.

It is recommended to not wear dangling jewelry such as necklaces or earrings that may get in the way.



Please be sure you accurately and honestly report any diagnosed medical conditions to your practitioner. This is for your safety. All information is confidential.
It is not recommended that you receive Kambo if you are:
Pregnant or may become pregnant
Nursing a child under 6 months
Have taken 5-meo-DMT or Bufo in the last 4 weeks
Have had serious heart problems such as bipass surgery, valve replacement, or any open chest surgery (Stints okay, mild heart attacks okay)
Have had a stroke or blood clot
Have had a brain aneurism
Are taking low or high blood pressure medication
Have Addison’s disease

Have epilepsy

Are within 2 days of a moon cycle or on a moon cycle when Kambo will be applied
Have gone through chemotherapy within the last 4 weeks
Have a severe mental illness (Depression and anxiety are okay! Kambo can help this)
Are taking immunosuppressant drugs for an organ transplant.
Are under 18 years old


Be sure to report any medications or herbal supplements you may be on to me. Do not take any supplements or medications unless medically necessary the day of the ceremony. Some herbs or medicines may need to be avoided for a couple of days prior to treatment. Some medications/supplements are contraindicated and may have a risk for interactions with the Kambo.

Avoid any supplements the day of your Kambo treatment. Avoid taking any medication the day of prior to your Kambo treatment unless absolutely necessary. They will likely be purged out and wasted. You can resume your regular medication regime after the session.

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