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            Cacao, Theobroma cacao, is a tropical tree native to South and central America. Ceremonial cacao is raw and untempered. This medicine has been cultivated through prayer and intention to retain all of its medicinal benefits. This beautiful plant has been revered for its medicine for thousands of years by indigenous civilizations. Cacao is a powerful antioxidant and rates #1 on the USDA antioxidant food scale, containing the highest source of naturally occurring magnesium. It also increases blood flow to the brain by 10-15%, allowing for better focus and mental agility. Within this medicine is the alkaloid theobromine, which translates to "food of the gods" because of its ability to combat aging by promoting stem cell regeneration. Cacao also contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zinc, iron, anandamide (the Bliss Molecule), protein, calcium, carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, sulfur and 300 different phytonutrients. This sacred medicine is also an aphrodisiac, helping to release the "love" molecule PEA, which is extremely beneficial for connecting to the heart chakra.


What is a Sacred Cacao Ceremony?

Heart Opening and Expanding  Connection 


           Sacred cacao ceremony is an intimate time spent with the plant medicine cacao. For thousands of years, this medicine was used by the Aztecs and Mayans for opening and expanding the heart energy center.  A sacred space is cleared through the use of prayers, cleansing plants, and healing intention. After the space is cleared, an altar, is formed with flowers, feathers, holy objects and sacred elements. Cacao is prepared by grinding it into a powder using prayers and songs. The cacao is then added to hot water or plant milk, with other spices such as cayenne, sea salt, cinnamon or nutmeg. Honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar can be added for sweetness. The participants of the ceremony are energetically cleansed and unite in a holy space created to experience this tender plant spirit. Songs, art, writing, movement and stillness are all incorporated to help the flow of this medicine integrate into our lives. Experience expansion, connection and the opening of your heart center as sacred cacao becomes a part of your life.

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